Issues That Bare Repeating
1. LEASH LAW: The Duval County leash law requires that ALL dogs be on a leash when they are off of their owners' property. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind all pet owners that they are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. Because this has become a BIG problem, those upset by these infractions were told to get pictures and/or video of any offense and report it to animal control. Owners whose dogs are caught (on camera or video) either off leash and off of your property, or dogs caught (on camera or video) doing their business (#2) and owners not cleaning it up, will be subject to a $250 per offense.
2. EXTERIOR CHANGES: If you want to do anything exterior of your home or on your property, you must first submit to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for approval.
3. BASKETBALL HOOPS: Please remember to put away such toys as basketball hoops, bicycles and wagons. Basketball stands cannot be permanently kept on the street. They can be kept on driveways. Toys, bikes, etc. must be out of view if not in use.
4. RETENTION PONDS: The retention ponds in River Point act as storm water runoffs. Because they are private property, maintaining the ponds are the responsibility of the homeowner. Residents are advised not to blow grass clipping into the storm drain or leave yard waste or debris on the street, as these items will eventually find their way into the ponds, clog up drains and make the ponds look unsightly. Please help us keep the ponds clean.
5. TRASH CANS: Trash cans are a lot like underwear, everybody has them but no one wants to see them. With this in mind, please ensure that your trash cans and recycle bins are stored out of sight except on trash days. You can put your trash cans out after 5pm Tuesday night. Please put them away promptly after they have been emptied. If you are interested in having more information regarding a trash can enclosure, please email
6. PARKING: For the safety of the children and as a courtesy to your neighbors we ask everyone's cooperation to please refrain from consistently parking vehicles on public roads and right of ways. It becomes a public safety issue if emergency vehicles cannot negotiate around the parked vehicles. This is a serious concern for so many of your neighbors and we urge everyone to cooperate.
7. VIOLATION LETTERS: Most non-compliance issues necessitating violation letters are the result of residents not being familiar with the deed restrictions of the community. While the CC&R is a lengthy document, if all residents would take a moment to become familiar with just a few sections, it would vastly decrease the number of violations we presently have. We don't like to send violation notices, but we have a responsibility to all homeowners to enforce the codes. With everyone's cooperation, we can make River Point an even nicer community in which to live.